SME Business Solution

Moving towards digitisation

Embrace digitisation step

SME Business solution

SME has been the large part of malaysia economy, they has been playing a vital role in contributing to the national GDP for decades. But the constant moving world is on a fast pace development, all sectors is looking for economic but effective approach to digitisation to increase productivity to stay ahead in competition.

Generally, conventional industries has numbers of senior staff who unfamiliar with technology approach, they take time to understand or pick up new operation work.

To overcome the problem with digital approach, by study how the SME operates, identify the weakness and come out with new simplify operation workflow. Out of this we are able to come out with new flow that reduce hidden cost such as eliminate the risk of human errors.

Maintenance Service Work

Enable front-line technician working seamlessly with backoffice staff during maintenance work. Backoffice receive service status update immediately, backoffice staff may proceed machine parts availability checking. Servicing timeframe can be estimate based on the part availability.

  • HQ immediate support
  • Seamlesss Operation front & back
  • Friendly Admin Panel
  • Mobile App
Online Booking System

Effectively manage incoming booking enquires, ease out the tedious process of repeatedly checking for available slot. Whenever there is request to change reservation, which just turn the already bad schedule to worse.

  • No more double bookings
  • Online payment to avoid no-show
  • Receive, approve order anytime anywhere
  • Save time & cost
E-commerce Store

E-commerce store make possible for business to run online without physical shop, free from monthly expenses such as rental, electricity and more. Besides, the system covers everything the business need from low stock alert to automated billing and fullfillment

  • Stock Inventory
  • Online payment
  • Manage order anytime anywhere
  • Reduce overhead cost
Stockist Wholesale

The business system simplify the daily management work and ease heavy business activity. It provide a solution to handle massive customer information, purchase and sales records.

  • Multi-tier pricing
  • Inventory Listing
  • Integrate with E-commerce Store
  • Billing & reporting
Membership Management

Large scale database ready for massive organisation size. Multiple bonus calculation, multi-language to serve cross country members. Manage member information, payment, membership with ease.

  • Membership registrations
  • Multi level
  • Bonus rewards
  • Thirdparty integration
Rewards & Marketing

Besides acquiring new customer, building trust and positive relationships on existing customer help retain loyal customers and increase sales, it also strengthen the company brand in the tough competition.

  • Reward Points
  • Commission & incentives
  • Detail reporting
  • Connect to other system

Customise Solution

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